Modern, native, and feature-rich GUI tool for beanstalkd work queue.

Take control of your beanstalkd job queues with ease using our powerful graphical interface.

Don't forgot to look at Changelog & Checksum

Discover a new level of productivity

With our software's automation capabilities, users can save time, increase efficiency, and reduce the risk of errors.

Native, lightweight and fast

With native build, simple design and powerful features, BeanstalkGUI makes beanstalkd tube management easier, faster & more efficient for you.

Rule based jobs cut-copy-paste

Automate duplicate or move jobs between different tubes based on predefined rules.

Rule based job bury or delete

Automatically bury or delete jobs from tubes based on predefined rules.

Empowering Education and Innovation

Get Our Software for Free as an Open Source Maintainer, Student, or Teacher!